Fort Family: Allegra Angelini

With dozens of tenants, it’s getting harder to track the Who, What and Where of life at The Fort. Which is why we’re happy to introduce Allegra Angelini, our property manager.


What do you love to make—and why?

I have always loved to bake, since I was a kid. and so I suppose my interest in ceramics stemmed from that—it's all just shaping dough & baking it in an oven. After college, I found my way to the service industry, as many artists do, and then eventually found a new passion in cake decorating. The skills I learned in that line of work lended themselves seamlessly to my current endeavor in ceramics. But I've always loved to bring people joy through the act of baking. In fact, I made cookies with my Mom just yesterday.

Tell us about your role at The Fort

Where to begin! I am here to serve as an aid to any and all things tenant related, but also building related. Everyone knows that Rich is the guy who gets things done around here, but I'm here to help communicate those needs with him, and help build the community here—because, when creative people come together, incredible things can happen.

The Fort is a sort of time machine. But let’s say you found an actual, working time machine. When and where would you go?

I would probably go visit my grandmother as a young girl in her hometown in Italy.  I would love to walk those cobblestone streets with our arms linked together. She passed away when I was four, but I remember her baking me cookies in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep. She was magic.

Ceramic cake photos by Ashley Wallace Photo. See more of Allegra’s ceramic work here, or email her for tours or questions about The Fort.