Fort Family: Foreground Studio

Fifty businesses have said Yes to this genuine old factory space. We had no idea that would happen. Or that our spaces would be home to so wide a variety of Makers. Like the landscape architecture firm, Foreground Studio. Their studio at The Fort retains the 19th Century factory aesthetic, focuses on Mid Century Modern, and adds 21st century design and function.

We sat down with Noah Mabry to hear more about he and Singleton Hicks’ thriving business. Scroll down for more photos after the interview…

Singleton Hicks and Noah Mabry of Foreground Studio

Singleton Hicks and Noah Mabry of Foreground Studio

What launched Foreground Studio?

Noah: Singelton and I met in Landscape Architecture school at Ohio State and worked on projects there together. We graduated during the recession (2008) and couldn't find work in our field so we started Foreground (in 2011).

What makes you different?

Noah: We were bored with the landscapes we saw around Columbus, and the region in general, and we thought there was a clientele base out there looking for really thoughtful, modern outdoor design. It turns out we weren’t wrong. We have been really fortunate to work on a lot of mid-century modern residential remodels as well as modern new builds, both commercial and residential. We’ve become the go-to in Columbus for residential MCM outdoor living spaces and landscapes.

That’s a swell focus. Tell us why you chose The Fort…

Noah: We had a really interesting road to landing at The Fort. Although I moved to Columbus for school, I am now a life-long South Sider (since 2008). Singleton was born and raised in Clintonville and liked the idea of being in the city. Both of us really appriciate the cutural and creative diversity of the area. We originally planned to build a multi-use structure on Parsons. We had impressive renderings, prospective tenants, and a feature on Columbus Underground. We even had some serious backing from the city in the form of grants, but then reality set in. Financing fell through and we were back at square one.

We thought the group of creative self starters here would
be a really nurturing and supportive environment, and
we have not been disapointed.


We had known Justin McAllister and John Mally from being active in the South Side, our general interest in the Fort, and our love of adaptive re-use in urban development. We thought the group of creative self starters here would be a really nurturing and supportive environment, and we have not been disapointed. The fact that our immidiate neighbors are our idols Jessie and Michael of Planthropy has really reinforced that notion. The creative freedom we had to execute the build out was also really refreshing. Our space has allowed us and our growing team to have a place to collaborate and come up with some of the most innovative designs we’ve done to date. We are proud to call The Fort our home.

Thanks, Noah. Where can folks find Foreground Studio? or @foregroundstudio
